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Ulysses S. Grant at Lincoln Park Chicago

Dan Guzman

On a recent visit to Lincoln Park in Chicago, I was awed by the Victorian Era architecture. I was especially taken by a statue over a tunnel entrance to the park, the 18 foot tall statue of Ulysses S Grant sits astride his horse on a pedestal on an overlook to Lake Michigan which in turn sits over an archway to the tunnel entrance.

At an investigation at the site, my EMF recorder picked up activity on the south stairs leading to the overlook. A voice whispering "police" was barley audible but the feeling was undeniable, something was telling me to call the police for some reason. I felt the presence was young possibly a teenager and female as it was asking for assistance and not demanding it.

I did some research into this phenomenon and found that in 1892, a storm quickly blew in from the lake, so park patrons ran for shelter in the tunnel and under the overlook below the statue. In an unfortunate freak accident, the statue was struck by lightning. It was common at the time to use iron rebar to hold the cement structures together which made the entire archway and overlook a deadly lighting rod. 4 people were killed and 7 others hospitalized after the incident, although I could still hear their cries for help and feel the shock of sudden immobility as 80,000 volts coursed through their bodies. The statue has since been grounded to prevent any further catastrophe from happening, but if you are ever in Lincoln Park just remember you are never alone there. #supernaturalventures


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