Recently I found myself at an air B&B with my daughter Emily on the north Side of Chicago, and as luck would have it, lo and behold, I found myself one city block away from one of the oldest and largest cemeteries in the city. Rosehill has an iconic history behind it and, as I found out, is a hotbed of ghostly activity.
Rosehill is filled with such dignitaries as Oscar Meyer of hot dog fame, Arron Montgomery Ward, and Richard Sears. Legend has it that Sears can be seen visiting Montgomery Ward’s tomb from time to time, but Ward won’t come out, he is resting in peace.
All 600 victims of the Iroquois Theater Disaster are lain to rest here. (I wrote about The Death Alley Disaster in a previous blog) as well as Bobby Franks, the 14 year old victim of the infamous Leopold and Loeb. Perhaps the ghostly activity is the result of the fact that some of its residents were relocated from the old Lincoln Park location. I know I would be a little upset if my resting place was moved.
I could not contain my excitement as we walked along its western perimeter, I activated my Ghost Box (the only tool I had available) and it pinged almost immediately. It picked up 2 entities in the area close by, the word BAND came up and as I focused on the source, I felt this entity was a musician, young and possibly a drummer. As I was focusing on the being trying to communicate, the second entity turned red on my monitor as it came closer. Then it registered on my box the word LEAVE.
Well, time to go, I have a certain respect for the wishes of the deceased, and I felt this one was not one to tangle with, so I grabbed Emily, my assistant and made a hasty retreat. It was obvious the second spirit was stronger and did not like us in his territory, so on our next excursion we explored the north end of the cemetery and I repeated the same procedure only this time with my EMF on to check for any electrical anomalies. My EMF chirped once and my Ghost Box once again picked up 2 entities nearby, AWARE was the first word that popped up, then the word AWAY. I could only assume the first was a warning and the second a command. I once again grabbed my assistant and left our explorations for another day when the spirits were in a better mood.
We left Rosehill with barely one tenth of the place explored, needless to say, there is much more to see there. Perhaps we may go back before my time here is through, there is still the east end and the south end to investigate, maybe the spirits there will be more inviting.
