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Key West Venture Pt. 1

Dan Guzman

Well, this young man found himself in the Florida Keys on vacation recently, and while I was there, as an empath, I found myself inundated with input at every turn. At one point so severe it took hours to recover from the emotional impact, but I get ahead of myself so I will tell my tales in a short series here called the Key West Venture.

I will begin my story with a little background on the Keys the southernmost point in the USA. For starters they are a series of islands made of coral which has died and covered over and over for thousands of years and turned into a limestone base. In paranormal circles it is a common understanding that limestone traps emotional traumatic energy which creates spiritual hotspots and the Keys being surrounded by salt water makes the Keys come alive with paranormal activity, which I personally can attest to especially in Key West.

My first stop was at the East Martello Museum where I met the curator Susie Parpana, caretaker of the famous Robert the Haunted doll who also resides at the museum. Susie was a wealth of information on Robert as well as the exhibits there and the history of the fort itself. We will focus on the activity surrounding Fort East Martello in this installment.

Built in 1862, the Fort saw it's share of woes from the start, before it was finished, according to Susie, there was a yellow fever outbreak and soldiers were quarantined and left to die in the barracks there. The soldiers being young and scared when they died expelled that energy into the walls of their final home.

While there, my wife and I turned on our Ghost Box and EMF which exploded with activity the moment we walked through the narrow entrance. The building was made of brick with low arched doorways, the entire building was rounded with a metal stairway in the center leading to the lookout point, but it was the bottom floor which held the most activity. In one area my EMF picked up two entities in close proximity, and my Ghost Box picked up the words "watch" and "stop" at which point a strong breeze blew in from an otherwise calm area. I suddenly felt sad, unhappy and when I looked at my wife, her eyes had gone wide as she said she felt a heavy tingling sensation on her leg, as we left the barracks we heard a low moan echo through the courtyard, which we could only assume was the voice of a long dead soldier suffering from yellow fever.

I can safely say it is evidenced, that there are multiple entities residing in the barracks at the Fort East Martello Museum, but this is not the ending of this tale. I was told to expect twenty four spirits there, but only five made their presence known to me, two of which I have told you about here, the others I will tell you about in the next blog. If you are a skeptic East Martello is the place for you, every room has an energy that can't be denied.


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