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All Along the Clocktower

Dan Guzman

It’s been a year since my excursion to Fairmount Cemetery. I've been reluctant to blog about it because I’m not quite sure how to define the experience. As we drove up Flavin Road in Willow Springs, for kicks I turned on my EMF. There was an immediate ping near Archer Avenue that only seemed to intensify the closer we got to the cemetery gate.

As we entered the cemetery the signal seemed to taper off, but I felt drawn to a particular feature at the center, an old clock tower. We circled the area looking for any electrical anomalies, but my EMF remained silent, still I felt drawn to this area and suggested a closer inspection. We approached the three story tall structure and noticed a large ornate entry gate and assumed it to be locked, so I walked the perimeter.

At the north end of the tower my attention was drawn to three audible taps at a window 10 feet above me. My first impulse was to look for any birds or branches which may be producing the taps but the area was clear and the tapping had stopped. Similarly, as I rounded the corner at the south end I heard more tapping from the window on that side, I felt whatever was here wanted me to go inside. Being the fool that I am, I obliged and found the entry gate unlocked, it swung open with a creak.

The interior seemed inviting with two leather easy chairs and a small table between them in the center of the roomy mausoleum. The walls were lined with the crypts of those that had passed on with dates going back as far as the 1900’s, my attention was drawn to one in particular, a woman named Helen who died in 1904. I turned on my EVP hoping to capture a voice and asked in a calm tone ‘Does anyone wish to speak to me, I am here to listen’. The place was silent. I walked around the interior and said ‘I show no disrespect I only wish to communicate’, still nothing. I stood for a moment, EVP in hand waiting to feel some type of energy resembling a response… nothing. I assumed this was a bust, if there was a presence here it didn’t care to communicate with me, dejected we left the clock tower and left the cemetery,

One would think the story would end there, but I took the time to review the audio and video from the experience, barely audible at 1 min 44 sec when i asked if anyone wished to speak, a woman whispered back ‘yes’! Helen actually responded. But when Isaid I show no disrespect at 8 min 24 sec I heard a low gravelly growl, this sent a chill up my spine.

Final synapsis, yes there was some contact at Fairmount Cemetery, yes there are multiple presences, some willing to talk others, not so much. As a researcher I find this fascinating, I will have to return to do more exploring. Stay spooky my friends.


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