I was never really sure about the things that I had seen and heard when I was younger, it was not until later years that I knew these things weren't an imaginative mind unleashed. It was the spirit of a young boy that brought me to this realization and my first verbal interaction with a non living entity.
I was in a 100 year old home that had been remodeled, I was helping to install cable lines in the basement. If you have ever been in an old basement, I needn't make much a description. Cinder block walls, wooden supports on the ceiling, and iron supports for the house. One curious feature that caught my attention was a set of stairs that must have been an exit at one time but now terminated into the floor of a new room addition. There was no light in this area but I was still able to see a red glow on the concrete stairs, curious I walked toward the stairs thinking someone had left a glow stick or flashlight on the now useless stairs.
It was then that I felt it, a chill at the back of my neck and a ringing in my ears, I could see clearly the image of a small boy engulfed in a dark red light. I looked to my partner who seemed oblivious as we approached the dark stairs, the red glow started to fade and I could make out the image of the boy in tattered clothes from the 1900's, he had a scowl on his face and I heard him clearly say "Where is my Mom!" I didn't speak out loud but answered quietly, "When was the last time you saw her?" an image popped in my head of a brunette telling the boy she would be back, she would have to go to work, it being dark I only assumed she did work at a local tavern in the evening.
I then saw the boy sitting on the stairs and drifting off the sleep, she never returned, and he died of exposure in the cold winter evening. This made me wonder how many situations turned out like this in the city, where countless people died and never got the recognition of an avoidable tragedy. I called the boy Ace, and featured his story in Ace: The Angry Child, hopefully getting his story recognized will finally reunite him with his mother.